Disputers are governance-approved addresses with permission to dispute keepers or jobs that may have acted in bad faith. Once a dispute has started, a slasher will be in charge of evaluating what measures to take. In the meantime, the disputed address will be unable to:
If the disputed address is a keeper, it won't be able to:
Bond or activate new assets
Withdraw its unbonded assets
A disputed keeper can keep working jobs until is revoked
If the disputed address is a job, it won't be able to:
Have keepers work the job
Withdraw liquidity or token credits from the job
Perform a job migration (if any of the addresses is disputed)
Once the slasher has acted upon the disputed address—or decided against taking actions as a result of not considering the job or keeper to have acted in bad faith—either governance or a disputer will be able to resolve the dispute.
Disputing Keepers or Jobs
Disputes a keeper or a job.
Resolve a Dispute
Resolves a dispute.
Last updated
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